Extending brain health, a public health priority

BrainFit4Life is a non-profit organisation composed of world-renowned scientists, clinicians, companies, foundations, and patient organisations that specialise in neurological diseases, particularly brain ageing disorders, which are a major public health issue in Switzerland. 

The BrainFit4Life task force is committed to promoting a global understanding of brain health and ageing, its implications and consequences, as well as the creation of a brain health registry, the use of early diagnosis, specialised health programmes, and improved awareness through knowledge transfer.

Among its activities, BrainFit4Life organises a series of symposia, which provide opportunities for networking and scientific exchange among researchers, industry members, and policy groups/advocates active in this field. These symposia are supported by the InnoSuisse - Swiss Confederation Agency, as part of the "TFV - Networking Event Series" programme, with the aim of promoting research and innovation in the field of brain health in Switzerland.

BrainFit4Life is headquartered at the Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health (SICHH), a spin-off of the University of Fribourg.