Foundation Council

The Foundation Council is responsible for the strategic direction of the Foundation. It is chaired by the Rector of the University of Fribourg and is essentially composed of external members of the university and alumni. This composition enables the building of a bridge between science and society.

Katharina Fromm

Rector of the University of Fribourg 
President of the Foundation Council since 2024

Victor Schmid

Partner Schmid & Konsulenten
Member since 2008

Florence Monnet

Head of Development at the University of Fribourg
Member since 2021

Ana Patricia Rahn Erden

Majority Shareholder of Group Rahn SA
Member since 2016

Alex Geissbühler

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Geissbühler Weber & Partner and of the Banque Cantonale de Fribourg

Member since 2022

Gustav Stenbolt

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Valartis Group SA

Member since 2013

David Claivaz

Vice-President of the Association Alumni and Friends of the University of Fribourg
Member since 2021