LSD & neuroplasticity

The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of LSD on cortical plasticity in healthy individuals

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganise and adapt in response to changing environmental conditions. It is essential for growth, learning, psychological change and recovery from brain injury.

Animal studies have shown that LSD stimulates neuroplasticity after a single dose. It is possible that changes in neuroplasticity contribute to the long-term effects of LSD, which include increases in subjective well-being and life satisfaction, reduced anxiety and greater openness to experience. However, there is as yet no direct evidence that LSD improves neuroplasticity in humans.

This study aims to determine whether LSD improves neuroplasticity in two regions of the human cortex, as well as the duration of this effect.
To achieve this, a combination of TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) and EEG (electroencephalography) is used.


This study is supported by a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We sincerely thank this donor for their invaluable support.