Interdisciplinary Research cluster "Future of Switzerland"

Mobiliar supports this project as a partner

The "Future of Switzerland" research cluster deals with issues of social change, a future-oriented economy, and the accelerated change in lifestyle.

The existing knowledge of professors from various faculties of the university is pooled to conduct holistic research around our society and economy.

The collaboration encompasses four different projects, all focused on the future of Switzerland. These are as follows:

Social participation and solidarity

The research project, carried out by three teams, examines the emergence of solidarity. It investigates how neighbourhoods in the German- and French-speaking parts of Switzerland foster civic engagement and create solidarity through social and digital networks. It also explores how digitalisation improves access to information, promotes self-determination and facilitates decision-making for people with disabilities. Additionally, it analyses how individuals engage with or avoid pension decisions during the savings and payout phase.

How do you speak Swiss? Consensus democracy, multilingualism and political participation

The research project investigates the relationship between multilingualism, plurilingualism, political institutions and legal conditions in Switzerland.

How do political and institutional practices, norms and values as well as legal frameworks affect linguistic products such as speeches, debates and parliamentary initiatives? Conversely : How are individual monolingual and multilingual language repertoires reflected in political-institutional discourse?

Sustainable development with a focus on Switzerland's competitiveness

The research project "Sustainable Development with a Focus on Switzerland's Competitiveness" analyses potential policy measures and business strategies that strengthen Switzerland's sustainable economic and social competitiveness. This project focuses on topics related to energy transition and sustainable agriculture.

Investigating the future reputation of Switzerland in times of AI

This project explores the applicability of AI in measuring country reputation. It aims to identify factors influencing the construction and evolution of reputation in digital communication channels, including traditional and social media. The research will provide practical insights for reputation management, addressing potential risks like misinformation. It specifically focuses on measuring Switzerland's reputation, identifying its drivers, and managing it with the help of AI.


Our sincere thanks go to Mobiliar, which is supporting this project as a partner as part of its social commitment and thus making a contribution to Switzerland's future viability.